For the Tuesday Reading of Week 14, I read part A of Legendsof India by Washburn Hopkins. This book is written in verse focusing on Arjuna
in the Mahabharata. I chose anther version of the Mahabharata again to get the
full story. For me it is a little hard to grasp the whole story in the first
sitting, even in TV shows and movies. One of my favorite things about this
reading would have to be the rhyming of the verse. It was actually fun to read
out loud. Some of the words are different, like it calls the Pandavas the
Pandus. Also the character list was a little funny. I really enjoyed this read.
I did like the way it talked about Draupadi’s swaraymara and Arjuna having a
thing for her in the beginning. Honestly that would really suck, sharing a wife
with your brother. I mean think about it!!
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