Well first off I would probably choose the online version of the Ramayana. The foremost reason being that it is more easily available and I haven't been to the library in a while. Another big reason I would want the online version is that it does have audio. I see myself doing my work in the evening for this class, seeing as my days are usually filled up and I love listening to audio books because I can listen better than I can concentrating on what I am reading.
I have to be honest. By head is mostly in my homework and books, so I really don't have much knowledge on really anything we will be covering. Or at least it didn't look like it. However I do think I will enjoy the content. I do love epic TV shows and movies.
Krishna, Arjuna and Pradyumna
fight the Demon Nikumbha
If you like epic TV shows and movies, I am sure you will make some good connections to the epics, Ollie! And then in the second half of the semester, you can maybe look at some of the modernizations of the epics which are popular in India today. The picture you included is about Krishna and his son Pradyumna, and there is a brand-new book by an Indian woman author all about Pradyumna; it is fabulous! You can find out more about that here: Pradyumna: Son of Krishna.