My name is Olivia Blount. I am a junior Aerospace Engineer. So if I misspell a word or my sentences don't make since, then you know why! I am involved in a lot of different organizations in the College of Engineering, including: Engineer's Club, Sooner Engineering Education, Society of Engineers, Design Buld Fly, Deans Leadership Council, and even a few more! I love being involved and helping the college. The semester I am in charge of the annual Enigneers' Week. It is a full week of fun activities to celebrate being engineers, it is always a blast and it is very fun planning it. (So Laura, if I get no work done the week of Feburary know why! ;) ). My writing style s a lot like the way I talk, however I am sometimes not as enthusiastic when I talk, that just comes out in writing.

Matt and I
Photo Credit to me :)
I am from Norman so I didn't go very far. My family has always been Sooner Fans so I figured what the hell. Fun facts about me: I am adopted. into the same family so I can confuse you in about 5 seconds with my family tree. Another fun fact is that I have had a job since I was 15, in fact I have had the same job since then. I guess my employers like me if they have kept me around so long. I work for both Eskimo Sno and Nexus Productions (they are both owned by the same family). Another fun fact is that I actually met my boyfriend working. (Oh and a moment to brag, he just got his black belt in Judo!!! But I know, this is suppose to be about me...). Another thing is, my writing skills are awful! No surprise I guess from an engineer. I have friend from high school and she is amazing at writing. She wrote a poem once that almost brought me to tears, and that is saying a lot since I am a hard ass.
So a little mid semester updates:
Engineers Week was AMAZING!!! I must say, I worked really hard for everything to work out and it did! The E-club officers really stepped up to help me and the grapevine says it was one of the best E-Week's they had seen! However I have most definitely crawled into my introvert self and has hardly seen any one this week, not sure I am ready to crawl back out yet...
Matt and I have started this women self defense class on Thursday nights and the first night was awesome! Some of my friends came out and had so much fun, they were flipping me next day! We learned some boxing stuff last time.
Olivia, as a fellow engineer I can relate to the whole writing thing! I myself am a very average writer. It is cool that you are a Aerospace engineer because my girlfriend had an internship with American Airlines this past summer.
ReplyDeleteI love Eskimo Sno so that is awesome/lucky that you work there. In Dallas there is a snow cone shop called Bahama Bucks and it is the best snow cone I have ever had! So if you're down in the Dallas area I highly recommend trying it.
Nice to meet you!
-Trevor Eckard-
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ReplyDeleteOllie! How cool that we have another class together. It has been awhile since calculus. It is good to see you are still in engineering and it is awesome that you are in charge of the annual Engineering Week. My older sister was an engineer and that was one of her favorite weeks of the year. I am excited to read more of your blog.
Hi Olivia! I think it is pretty cool that you are in engineering. I used to be Chemical Engineering until I switched to Biochemistry, so I could apply to medical school earlier. Engineering is awesome though. I really miss all my old classes. I do not think you are a horrible writer! Although, I definitely know where you are coming from because all my friends are just wonderful writers! My boyfriend can write a 10 page paper in less than 5 hours, like what!? It takes me a week! Also, I think it is super awesome that your boyfriend is a black belt! It was nice meeting you!
ReplyDeleteWOW, there are really so many different engineers in this class this semester, Ollie: that is so cool! I think the last three introductions I have read have all been engineers, and everyone a different kind of engineer: you are the first aerospace engineer! And YES, please let me know about any announcements, events, all the good stuff you are doing in Engineers' Week. That sounds exciting!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile: aerospace. As you can guess, the idea of flight is a big thing in Indian epics, like the Pushpaka Vimana. If you are interested in that as a possible topic, it is a really cool thing, the "flying city" and all of that. There is a Wikipedia article about it here: Vimana ... and the gods also have their vahanas, their vehicles, that they ride, which are often airborne, like Vishnu on Garuda. Did you see the incredible PSA with the gods and their helmets in the announcements today? So much fun: divine motor safety! What Gods wear before they ride
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class, and definitely keep me posted on anything I can share in the announcements! Since there are so many engineers in class, having engineering event announcements is good!
Hi Olivia!
ReplyDeleteAerospace engineering sounds really cool! I am really amazed how you are able to study that and keep up an awesome academic social life. All kudos to you! I feel overwhelmed if I have to attend a ton of meetings and go to classes! And I may not be that social :P.
I am not from Norman, but it is a cool place. You must know all of the best places to go around here. I've been here for nearly four years but I am always discovering new things that have apparently been around for ages. For example, I had never been to Eskimo Sno until like... a year ago. I would have such a sugar high if I worked there. All the snow cones!
It was nice meeting you via the internet and I look forward to seeing what you come up with this semester!
Hey Olivia!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many different engineering majors in the class and that is so exciting – I am petroleum engineering. It is amazing how involved you are! I have always had a strong artistic side to me, so I lucked out on the writing thing, but so many of my engineering friends are writing-challenged. I think that is why they make us take classes like this – practice, practice, practice! Your writing is really energetic, and I love that - I look forward to reading your stories in this class!
Hey Olivia,
ReplyDeleteI love your writing style because it's similar to mine. Even though I sometimes feel I have to write "professionally" or what not, I would honestly much rather type like I talk! I've also used spellcheck a few times just typing out this post. You seem so involved in various clubs and events, I feel like I should get my butt in gear and get involved in many more clubs too haha! How awesome that your boyfriend got his black belt in judo! I used to do tae kwon do. In like 4th grade. That was a fun experience..kind of wish I'd kept up with it but oh well. You seem to have a busy, but fun life! Typical life of an Engineering student I'm guessing!
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ReplyDeleteI read one of your stories before I read this. I have to say you put your writing style (and abilities) to far down. I thought you were a fantastic writer. I’m in awe over reading so many introductions about these amazingly talented and bright majors. I’m a Liberal Studies in Arts major, so I could never ever do what you do and not want to pull my eyelashes out one by one (yes dramatic…but the truth). I’m not from Norman, but I’m crazy jealous you are. I’m the first generation OU attendee (and soon to be graduate) and hopefully my future children will continue on the wonderful tradition because OU is a fantastic school. I can’t believe you work in a snow cone place I have never been so jealous. I would never get anything done. I would be no, I’m too busy slurpin’ on my snow cone...
ReplyDeleteHello Ollie, So many future engineers in this class! I personally enjoy you’re writing style because it is almost like we’re having a conversation and it’s not so technical. I just read your week three storytelling post and I thought you did really well! It is awesome that you have had the same job for many years. It shows that you are a dedicated and loyal worker which will translate well in any resume. Hope you enjoy Engineers’ week.
ReplyDeleteWow! You and I have quite a bit in common- I'm also an Engineering Student from Norman! What a coincidence!
ReplyDeleteBeing in charge of E-Week is quite a task! E-Week is always super fun! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
I - along with every other Normanite - am very familiar with Eskimo Sno and Nexus Productions! My favorite sno cone is fairy dust!
Hey Ollie! It's okay, I didn't realize you were in this class either (and yeah, I haven't actually had free time recently, but I can always dream!). Yeah, I draw. I'm a little rusty though. "Good" drawings take a lot of time too. Anyways, I have to say, that picture of you and Matt is pretty awesome. You should tell him I said hi and congrats on the black belt. Also, it's now just under 135 hours to E-Week! Woot!
ReplyDeleteHello Ollie!
ReplyDeleteI completely understand you're self proclaimed bad writing (thought I don't think I agree), because I am an engineer as well! I have aced many engineering classes, but I struggled to pass English Comp I and II (can I blame it on the teachers?? haha). Well it is so nice to meet you; I hope to hear (okay, read) more from you!
Ollie, It's neat that you are involved in so many clubs and organizations. I myself am a junior petroleum engineer and I appreciated your comment about misspelled words and such in storytelling's/sentences. I also think it is cool that you are working through college and have had a job since you were 15. Many college kids don't know how that is or appreciate it. I look forward to reading some of your posts. -Tyler
ReplyDeleteHi Ollie,
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like there are a lot of engineers in this class. I myself am a chemical engineering senior. I know the curriculum for any engineering major is quite taxing, so I applaud you for finding the time to be as involved as you are in the college of engineering. I can relate in feeling like my writing is not "up to snuff", since the majority of my writing is in academic format. It was nice to meet you and I hope this class helps you to become a better writer. Good luck for the rest of the semester if I don't talk to you again.
Hi Olivia,
ReplyDeleteAerospace Engineering sounds like an exciting career. I’m sure you won’t have a hard time finding a job after graduation. I come from a family of Engineers so I know you have a tough schedule. It sounds like you are pretty involved in several organizations. That’s great you still have time to participate in things that you enjoy. I hope the annual Engineers’ Week was a success! I look forward to reading your work.
Olivia, Nice to “meet” you! That is so cute you go by Ollie!!! I wish I had a cute nickname like that. You are involved in so much! I was very impressed. I can tell that your writing style is a lot like talking but that is actually my favorite style of prose so I really enjoyed your blog! You seem like a very interesting person.
ReplyDeleteHi Ollie,
ReplyDeleteIt is pleasant meeting you. Your major sounds intense and rewarding at the same time! I find it cool that you are very much involved with so many organizations on campus. I can barely keep up with the schedule that I have; now I know that I need to work on prioritizing and actually managing my time more wisely.
It’s amazing that you and your boyfriend have started a woman’s self defense class. Good luck with the rest of the semester!
Hi Olivia,
ReplyDeleteJust finished reading about you in your introduction post. You seem like a very energetic person and someone that would be fun around. That’s awesome that you are involved in so many groups. I hope the best for you this semester and I look forward to commenting more on your stories. It was nice to read about you.
Ollie, I think that it is commendable how involved you are in the College of Engineering. Although you say you are an introvert, you definitely act like an extrovert with how involved you are. I'm glad Engineering week was a success. I bet you put a lot of time and effort into it. Your writing skills are just fine by the way ;).
ReplyDeleteHi Ollie!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to virtually meet you! I hope you enjoyed this class, I had a great time! I enjoyed getting a chance to read your stories this semester. I am surprised that I made it to the end of the semester without reading your introduction page!
How neat that you are from Norman. I think you may be the only person I know that is from Norman that I have met here at OU. I love living in Norman, it is a really neat place to be from!
Good luck in your future endeavors!
Hey Olivia,
ReplyDeleteIt is great to meet you! That is so great that you are doing aerospace engineering, very unique and exiting! Haha I have the same issues with my writing and you guessed it, I am an engineer as well. That is so cool that you are doing a women’s self defense class. I always enjoy doing things of that nature. I hope you have had a great semester and finish strong. Good luck!
Hi Olivia,
ReplyDeleteI'm a Management Information Systems major and my writing skills are pretty awful as well, so I feel your pain. It sounds like you keep very busy! But then again..that describes the college life for most people. I'm not Sooner born and Sooner bred like you, but am slowly but surely becoming a bigger Sooner fan. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Ollie!
ReplyDeleteJust checking back in on your blog. Haven't looked at it in a while. I have to say. I've really enjoyed your stories on Frank and Ava. I am looking forward to reading the last one.
Self defense classes! That's awesome. I'll count on you to watch my back next game day.
Anyways, your blog is looking great!