Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning Challenges

Alright, I am going to be honest, in doing this assignment I spend 5 minutes looking at all the procrastinating picture on the website and I in fact felt as though I was procrastinating. Anyway this whole time management thing is a little fuzzy to me and I'll explain why. I have very little free time. I only wish I was exaggerating. I admit that I save Friday night for myself but other than that my free time is limited. This semester I am in 15 hours, which isn't a lot I know but on top of that I am involved in about 7 different organizations in school and this semester I am planning Engineers Week. So even this first week of school I spent more time sorting E-week stuff out than I did on school work...opps. Not only am I involved, I also work. Just this weekend I work 15 hours in two days, so my weekend pretty much. Now I know I got WAY to far in over my head but I want a good resume and I need money, so what are you going to do. Anyway I say all this because it does seem that I don't get my stuff done until the last minute however its not because I wasn't doing something it is because I was doing other things. So I am confused about if I am over busy or a huge procrastinator..
Photo From my Facebook Page


  1. I completely feel you on this! I always feel so bad because a lot of times I finish things at the last minute, but I never have any free time. I leave for school super early in the mornings and do not get home till super late at night. I do not think it is a matter of procrastination just a matter of over committing to things. I need to learn how to say no to things.

  2. Ollie, I cannot believe you have free time at all. Engineering is a very challenging major with lots of homework but to also be involved in seven different organizations! Wow that is really amazing. I bet your resume is full. Also, very cool picture that you added to the end. I always enjoy seeing personal pictures on everyone's blog.

