Sunday, January 24, 2016

Growth Mindset

I had never heard of this professor, however I do really like this idea of this Growth Mind set and the "power of yet". I must confess I have done a few of the things that are in the wrong mindset like asking around to make sure my score wasn't the lowest and feeling better that someone scored lower. Using this mind set is almost kind of common sense, however isn't as easy as you'd think. "Failing" when others "succeed" is very discouraging and it is really hard to think of this "yet" mind set, even if it is the one that makes since. I would really like to learn more this semester about this topic, it is a good thing for an engineer to hear.

Photo by Reid Willson
On the Carrie Website

1 comment:

  1. Ollie,

    I am right there with you when asking around to see if someone else got a lower score than I did. I am the worlds worst when it comes to comparing myself to other people. I absolutely hate other people making better grades than I do. I feel like I fail when that happens, but I definitely would like to change that, too!
